Sunday, May 16, 2010

Growers can boost benefits of broccoli and tomatoes

Carotenoid-enriched tomatoes produced more bioactivity in the liver than lycopene-enriched or standard tomatoes, yielding the most cancer-preventive benefits.

In their current research, researchers from College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences | University of Illinois,  are experimenting with ways to increase the bioactive components in these foods in order to test the efficacy of enriched broccoli and tomatoes in a new prostate cancer study....

Growers can boost benefits of broccoli and tomatoes

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

PEPCK (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) a potential target for drugs that fight tuberculosis.

 In continuation of my update on tuberculosis and drug discovery ..... A new  research conducted at Weill Cornell Medical College sheds light on a previously unrecognized aspect of fatty acid metabolism that could potentially lead to new targets for drug therapy. A team led by Dr. Sabine Ehrt, professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College, reported that Mtb relies primarily on gluconeogenic substrates for in vivo growth and persistence, and that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK see picture) plays a pivotal role in the growth and survival of Mtb during infections in mice, making PEPCK a potential target for drugs that fight tuberculosis.

Dr. Ehrt and her colleagues found a way to silence the gene encoding PEPCK in Mtb during mouse infections to assess the importance of gluconeogenesis for Mtb's ability to maintain a chronic infection.
 "Silencing a gene when the pathogen is not or only slowly replicating, after an infection has established, is an important tool for studying diseases such as TB, which can be dormant for years only to become active again years later." says Dr.Ehrt...
 It is especially challenging as the infection can lay dormant in the body even though there are no symptoms. Researchers investigated the metabolic requirements of Mtb during acute and chronic infections and found that the gluconeogenic enzyme PEPCK is critical for both.

Interestingly, the  study used a novel mass spectrometry-based metabolic profiling tool, developed at Weill Cornell (in collaboration with Agilent Technologies) by Dr. Kyu Rhee to biochemically examine Mtb carbon metabolism. As per the claim by the researchers,  the tool has provided the first direct insights into the metabolic architecture of Mtb.

 Though the current treatments used  to treat Mtb are effective, the treatment times are too long and the regimens too complex, which  leads to treatment failures (due to poor adherence and multi drug resistance).   We need new, safer drugs that work faster to eliminate tuberculosis.  Dr. Ehrt hopes that her work will eventually lead to new drug therapies to treat tuberculosis.....

Ref :

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yellow fever mosquito's resistance to DEET !.....

In continuation of  my update on mosquito repellents,  I found this info  interesting to share with. We know that N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide, DEET (see structure), is the most common active ingredient in insect repellents. It is intended to be applied to the skin or to clothing, and is primarily used to repel mosquitoes. In particular, DEET protects against tick bites, preventing several rickettsioses, tick-borne meningoencephalitis and other tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. It also protects against mosquito bites which can transmit dengue fever, West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, and malaria. 

Now researchers from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and associates in the UK, for the first time in laboratory tests have shown that yellow fever mosquito has developed a resistance to the mosquito repellent DEET.
"Through testing, we have found that yellow fever mosquitoes no long sense the smell of DEET and are thereby not repelled by it. This is because a certain type of sensory cell on the mosquito's antenna is no longer active" says Rickard Ignell, a researcher at the Division for Chemical Ecology at SLU in Alnarp....

Rickard Ignell performed the research in collaboration with Rothamstead Research in the UK. The scientists have thus seen that the sensory cell on the mosquito's antenna has stopped reacting to DEET. This have many explanations, such as the protein that binds in to DEET having mutated. The researchers are now urging restrictiveness in the use of DEET and other mosquito repellents on a large scale in a limited area, in order not to make other mosquito species resistant. The mechanism is still to be established, but in my opinion its a interesting finding....

Ref :

Monday, May 10, 2010

Rifaximin for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.....

Rifaximin is a semisynthetic, rifamycin-based non-systemic orally  administered antibiotic drug. It is used in the treatment of traveler's diarrhea and hepatic encephalopathy, for which it received orphan drug status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998.

Now Cedars-Sinai researchers, have come up with an interesting finding, i.e., rifaximin (see structure)  is the first drug treatment for IBS that relieves symptoms while it's being administered and continues to benefit patients after they stop taking the drug. 

Researchers lead by Dr. Mark Pimentel found that patients who took rifaximin not only experienced relief of their IBS symptoms, including specific symptoms of bloating, abdominal pain and stool consistency, while they were taking the antibiotic, but also that their relief was sustained over the 10 week follow-up period when no antibiotic was administered.

The results of the studies were presented at the Digestive Disease Week conference in New Orleans on 3rd May.

"These studies validate the role of altered gut bacteria in IBS," said  Dr. Mark Pimentel,  GI Motility Program director at Cedars-Sinai and the principal investigator of the clinical trail at Cedars. "These findings show that targeted antibiotics provide safe and long-lasting improvement for IBS patients."........
Ref :

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Vinpocetine from the periwinkle plant, as a potent anti-inflammatory agent....

Vinpocetine (ethyl apovincaminate (see chemical structure,   is  a  semisynthetic   derivative   of  alkaloid   vincamine - an  extract  from the  periwinkle plant (see picture) Vinca minor) is a well-known natural product that was originally discovered nearly 30 years ago and is currently used as a dietary supplement for the prevention and treatment of cognitive disorders, such as stroke and memory loss, in Europe, Japan and China.
The therapy has no evidence of toxicity or noticeable side effects in human patients. Now scientists at the University of Rochester hope to reposition this compound as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of COPD, and potentially other inflammatory conditions, such as asthma, otitis media, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and psoriasis in the future.
As per the claim by the lead researcher Dr. Jian-Dong Li,  vinpocetine decreases inflammation by targeting the activity of a specific enzyme, known as IKK. IKK is responsible for regulating inflammation, and does so through the activation of a key protein, nuclear-factor kappaB (NF-κB). By directly inhibiting IKK, vinpocetine is able to switch off NF-κB, which normally produces pro-inflammatory molecules that cause inflammation. Halting the activity of NF-κB ultimately reduces inflammation. 
"Given vinpocetine's efficacy and solid safety profile, we believe there is great potential to bring this drug to market." claims co-author,  Dr. Bradford C. Berk...

Inflammatory diseases are a major cause of illness worldwide. For example, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. In people with COPD, airflow is blocked due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. Most COPD is caused by long-term smoking, although genetics may play a role as well.....

Ref :

Friday, May 7, 2010

Eliminating inherent drug resistance in tuberculosis....

In continuation of my update on drug resistant TB and the drug development for TB, I found this info interesting to share with.

Dr. John Blanchard of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has come up with really  interesting  findings about how to "eliminate inherent drug resistance in tuberculosis".   

When the M. tuberculosis genome was sequenced a few years ago, the presence of  beta-lactamase enzyme was discovered. Most scientists didn't pay much attention to this discovery and beta-lactams   never have been systematically used to treat TB. However Dr. John,  thought it would be an attractive therapeutic target, considering several beta-lactamase inhibitors had been developed for other bacteria.

If we could inactivate this inactivator enzyme, it would expose TB bacteria to a whole new range of antibiotics," he says. 
While M. tuberculosis was resistant to most beta-lactamase inhibitors,  Blanchard's group found that the drug clavulanate was effective in shutting down the TB enzyme. 

The combination of clavulanate (see above right structure- its potassium salt) with the beta-lactam   meropenem (see below: left structure) could effectively sterilize laboratory cultures of TB within two weeks, including several XDR-strains (XDR strains are even more resilient than multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains).  Blanchard notes this finding was exciting since, despite such high rates of drug resistance, research into new TB drugs is not a high priority in industrialized countries (for socio-economic reasons), and thus the best short-term approach might be identifying other already FDA approved antibiotics that are effective against TB -like meropenem and clavulanate.

Blanchard is currently progressing with the next steps of the therapeutic process, which includes both detailed animal studies and setting up some small-scale trials with XDR-TB patients in developing nations...

(Source : a presentation at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’s annual meeting, titled “Drug resistance in tuberculosis,” by Dr. John Blanchard).

Ref :

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Useful chemistry resources.....

If you are looking for interesting and informative blogs  and  other  chemistry  resources in one place,  you  can  visit  the site where in, Anna Miller (staff) has listed nearly 50 sites (chemistry blogs and chemical resources), which in my opinion are very good resources and most of the blogs I do follow on regular basis. 

Though the  website is for online degree, in my opinion its useful for each and every one who yearns for more...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Secret of Lowering Cholesterol Through Diet...

I am really happy to share an interesting and important article  'the secret of lowering cholesterol through diet' by  Deborah Land, who has written this article exclusively for the readers of  my blog.......

The Secret of Lowering Cholesterol Through Diet

a. The Myth of Cholesterol - the Bad and the Good:
Most people think that cholesterol is always bad, but there are actually two types of cholesterol. LDL is  considered the "bad" cholesterol, and HDL is considered the "good" cholesterol. If there is too much LDL in our bloodstream, it will form plaque on our arteries. Over time, this narrows our arteries and can eventually block blood flow completely. Dietary cholesterol actually isn't the primary reason for high cholesterol in the blood; it is high amounts of saturated fat and trans fat. To keep cholesterol low, you should eat unsaturated fats, eat fibrous foods, and exercise more.

b. Number Relevance in Cholesterol :
Every adult should have their cholesterol checked at least every 5 years. When you get a cholesterol test, you'll usually get back four different results. Here are the 4 categories and the healthy range you want to be in.

Total Cholesterol - less than 200 mg/dL (5.2 mmol/L);
LDL Cholesterol - less than 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L);
HDL Cholesterol - greater than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) &
Triglycerides - less than 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L).

If you are over or under the desired level on any category, it is usually indicative that a diet or exercise change is needed.

c. Heart Protection and Vitamin E:
Vitamin E, an important vitamin, is sourced in vegetable oils, nuts and leafy vegetables. Vitamin E can decrease your heart disease risk, but it will not prevent a heart attack.

d. Lowering Cholesterol with these Five Foods :
1. Oatmeal and Oat Bran: These contain a high amount of soluble fiber, which can lower LDL.
2. Fish: Fish is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, which lowers LDL and raises HDL.
3. Nuts: Not only are nuts high in fiber, but they contain the healthy fats you need to keep LDL in check.
4. Plant Sterols: This is found in foods like margarine, salad dressing, orange juice, and functional cookies. 2  grams per day will lower your LDL by 10-15%.
5. Soy: This popular meat replacement can lower LDL by up to 3%.

e. Plant Sterols and Benefits to Health :
Foods such as VitaTops Muffin Tops, Benecol Spread, granola bars and fat free milk are rich sources of plant sterols. You can easily help your heart when you start eating foods packed with plant sterols and avoid eating foods that contain saturated fats. A saturated fat-filled diet is not canceled out by this. Exercising often as well as eating healthy food will keep your cholesterol in check.

About the Author - Deborah Land writes for Cholesterol Lowering Diet Blog  ,  her personal hobby blog focused on tips to eat healthy to prevent high cholesterol. I find the blog very informative, do visit for more details...