Monday, October 1, 2012

AEOL10150 Protects Against Nerve Gas | News | Drug Discovery and Development Magazine

The study confirmed AEOL10150 (see structure)’s ability to cross the rat blood brain barrier and achieve sufficient levels to exert its neuroprotective effects.  Further, the study showed that subcutaneous administration of AEOL10150 30 min prior to or 60 and 90 minutes after nerve agent exposure resulted in inhibition of markers of oxidative stress and neuronal damage.

“These new data show that AEOL 10150 has potential neuroprotective properties against chemical nerve agents and broaden the utility of protection proved by AEOL 10150 across the chemical threat spectrum”, stated John L. McManus, President and Chief Executive Officer of Aeolus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  “This study builds on prior work that has shown AEOL 10150 to be an effective countermeasure to protect the lungs from damage due to inhalation of chlorine, sulfur mustard, and phosgene gas and well as protection against radiologic damage to the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.”  

AEOL10150 Protects Against Nerve Gas | News | Drug Discovery and Development Magazine

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