Showing posts with label safinamide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label safinamide. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2015

Newron, Zambon announce re-submission of safinamide NDA to FDA

In continuation of my update on safinamide 

Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. ("Newron"), a research and development company focused on novel CNS and pain therapies, and its commercial and development partner Zambon S.p.A., an international pharmaceutical company, announced  that the NDA for safinamide has been re-submitted to the US FDA. This follows the announcement last week that the CHMP has given a positive opinion on safinamide for Europe.

The submission covers the indications "safinamide as add-on therapy to a stable dose of a single dopamine agonist" in early Parkinson's disease patients and "safinamide as add-on therapy to levodopa alone or in combination with other Parkinson's disease treatments" in mid-to late stage Parkinson's disease patients.

The first submission of safinamide to the US FDA was made in May 2014. On review, the FDA issued a Refusal to File (RTF) letter based on organizational and navigational problems, largely due relating to the hyperlinking of tables, folders and the organization of the table of contents in the submission.

Ravi Anand, Newron's CMO, stated: "Newron has been in frequent contact with the FDA to propose solutions to the technical issues and obtain their concurrence with the proposals. These discussions lead Newron to conclude that the RTF issues have been addressed in this submission."