Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cisplatin doubles lung cancer survival time in mice !

When I was studying my M.Sc., (1992), we used to have a question regarding the anticancer activity of cisplatin and after that I could see lots of research in the field of anticancer activity. And so many new drugs have been established and are being used as drugs. Cisplatin works by crosslinking across DNA inter-strands, making it impossible for rapidly dividing cells to duplicate their DNA for cell division (mitosis). The damaged DNA sets off DNA repair mechanisms which fails to work, so in turn activate cell death processes (apoptosis). The trans isomer does not have this pharmacological effect.

After so many years, I could find this something interesting findings about cisplatin, by Patrizia Russo of Lung Cancer Unit of the National Cancer Research Institute in Genoa, Italy and colleagues from San Raffaele Pisana Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS), Catholic University.

In the study, the authors took the research a step further and showed that α-CbT could inhibit non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) growth and prolong life in non-obese/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice that had human NSCLC grafted to their lungs. This study attempted to mimic human cancer conditions more closely by delaying treatment until the tumors were well-established. In addition to control mice that were untreated, the researchers randomized one third of the mice to receive standard chemotherapy.

They found that NOD/SCID mice treated with the standard chemotherapy agent, cisplatin, had a 16 percent longer median survival time than untreated mice (p= 0.05). Mice treated with α-CbT, however, had an increased median survival time of 1.7-fold over the cisplatin-treated mice and 2.1-fold over the no-treatment controls (p=0.0005). Though the clinical trials to establish the claim and to to explore the widest range of possibilities of intervention on the α7-nAChRs. Congrats...

Ref :Inhibition of Nonneuronal {alpha}7-Nicotinic Receptor for Lung Cancer Treatment; Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., Jun 2009; 179: 1141 - 1150

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